Dubai to Edinburgh Roundtrip for AED 1,895

We found a Edinburgh, Scotland deal for you today! Check it out below.

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Dubai to Edinburgh, Scotland for AED 1,895

💸 Deal Price: AED 1,895 (48% OFF)

💰 Normal Price: AED 3,655 

✈️ Airline: Lufthansa

🚦 Stops: 1

🎫 Class: Economy

📅 Cheapest Dates:

  • Jan 18 - Jan 24 (AED 1,895)

  • Feb 22 - Feb 28 (AED 1,895)

  • Dec 2 - Dec 8 (AED 1,935)

Average lowest price over the next 6 months

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Disclaimer: Prices can fluctuate, so it is always best to check the latest prices before booking your flight.

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